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  • Comprehensive Excel-based Financial Reporting Solution

    • Multi user system including access right management and Microsoft authentication
    • Data saved in database located in Azure cloud
    • Date can be loaded to solution directly from Accounting Systems or by entering using Excel form or table
    • Defined dimensions enables different viewpoints, like
      • Revenues, profits and profitability by Organization, Customer, Project, Product Group
      • Drilling down to detailed Organization, Customer, Project, Product Group information
    • Targeted email-notices enables management of reporting processes
    • Reports and graphs can be generated with encompassing PivotTable, PowerPivot and/or Power BI tools
  • Excel based Leasing-asset management solution

    • Excel as a front-end
    • Leasing contract data will either be loaded from other system and/or entered manually in Excel
    • Periodical payments, expenses, interests and amortizations are calculated based on contract data and explicit or implicit changes made to contract terms
    • You can follow and predict effects of potential future changes in forehand
    • Multi-user solution including access right management and Microsoft authentication
    • Data is saved in central database located in Microsoft Azure cloud
    • You can produce parallel reports complying with different accounting standards: IFRS 16, GAAP and other local standards
    • Targeted email notifications enables management of reporting processes
    • Reports and graphs can be generated with encompassing PivotTable, PowerPivot and/or Power BI tools
  • Excel based remote reporting solution

    • Multi-user solution including access right management and Microsoft authentication
    • Data is saved in central database located in Microsoft Azure cloud
    • Data is entered locally using Excel-form and/or tables
    • Defined dimensions enables different viewpoints, like
      • Revenues, profits and profitability by Organization, Customer, Project, Product Group
      • Drilling down to detailed Organization, Customer, Project, Product Group information
    • Targeted email notifications enables management of reporting processes
    • Reports and graphs can be generated with encompassing PivotTable, PowerPivot and/or Power BI tools
  • Supplementary solution for Financial forecasts

    • Machine learning solution to predicts future financials
    • Follows the effect of defined driver-data to the future financials and learns from them
    • Driver-data can be historic data, other data in the solution external data
    • Solution generates the forecasts from what is has learned from existing old data
    • You can have multiple parallel forecasts by giving different default values for them
    • You can supplement Financial Reporting and Remote Reporting solutions with Machine Learning forecasting solution
    • Admin user defines the defaults and internal and external sources that will be used in forecasting

Quick and feasible implementation and comprehensive solution

Analysis, planning, implementation and support

MaxConsolidation applications and solution platforms are easy to use and quickly to implement. You get most when you configure them to comply with your company's existing practices and processes. Excel is familiar tool for many, so the application and solutions will be quickly embraced.

MaxConsolidation offers to you assisting in:

  • Requirement and current state analysis
  • Solution planning
  • Solution implementation
  • Support

Services are provisioned effectively without extra costs based on fluent and complete implementation model:

  • Data integration form other systems
  • Set of existing solution specific formulas
  • In addition customer specific calculation, entry fields, dimensions, forms and report are quickly implemented with existing tools
  • Cloud (Saas/Microsoft Azure) implementation, including database, solutions and implementation and support services
  • You need only workstations with Excel in addition