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Supplementary solution for Financial forecasts

  • Machine learning solution to predicts future financials
  • Follows the effect of defined driver-data to the future financials and learns from them
  • Driver-data can be historic data, other data in the solution external data
  • Solution generates the forecasts from what is has learned from existing old data
  • You can have multiple parallel forecasts by giving different default values for them
  • You can supplement Financial Reporting and Remote Reporting solutions with Machine Learning forecasting solution
  • Admin user defines the defaults and internal and external sources that will be used in forecasting

Continuous learning

  • Solution compares continuously the predictions made to the actuals reported and refines future forecasting
  • You can also add and test new driver after implementation
  • New tested and validated drivers improve the accuracy of the future forecasts

Forecast reporting and comparing

  • Forecast are generated periodically and saved in the database
  • Forecast are separated from each other and from actuals by a solution specific dimension structure
  • Forecast can be reported like actuals and besides actuals

Choice of Drivers

  • Machine Learning solutions have all customer specific implementations
  • Suitable drivers are selected and validated using existing data available
  • You can add new drivers and data-sources later and validate if they improve the accuracy of forecasts